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My-wardrobe com ups editorial content


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Last month saw the relaunch of luxury online retail site,


Founded in 2006, the editorial site has seen 100% year on year growth with figures at a high in December 2010. The main new component was the upped editorial content and editorial redesign of the site. With all eyes on Mr Porter’s recent launch, fashion insiders are now taking note of how our new e-commerce offerings can be improved with sharp up to date editorial content.

Sarah Curran, CEO of my-wardrobe, says her goal is to make ‘mywardrobe the number one globally for everyday luxury.’

Talking to FMWF, Curran speaks of ‘the importance of editorial content for etailers.’

With a new section devoted to street style photograpy, Curran explains, ‘Street style photography is about capturing the woman in everyday life – putting the clothes into an everyday context. We recognise women want that.’

She continues, ‘The idea behind our editorial redesign is to create a sense of community and an environment where people belong. That drives customer loyalty.’