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Dutch student crowdfunds her master at ‘Gucci’-University

By Caitlyn Terra


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It is a dream for many to learn the ins and outs of Gucci. For the Dutch Elisa van Barneveld (24) this dream is all too real and just within reach. She was accepted for a master at the Polimoda University in Florence, Italy, but there is just one problem: the master costs 26.000 euro. To fund her education, she has now started a crowdfunding campaign.

Van Barneveld is a AMFI-student, a Dutch fashion school, and applied for the Fashion Retail master. “Lessons will taught by professors, but also professionals from Gucci,” the crowdfundingpage reads. “If you are what they are looking for, you can finish your master with an internship at Gucci and even get a job offer,” she raves. Her application was accepted in October and she has until april to gather the right funds.

A number of 4300 euro of donations has been made so far. She mentions working 6 days a week and gathering money in every way possible on the page. If she succeeds she will try to ‘repay’ everyone who donated by ‘sharing her knowledge by giving lectures’. If all else fails and she doesn’t manage to collect the needed 26.000 euro, she will donate whatever she has to Gucci’s charity ‘Chime for Change.

polimoda university