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  • Apparel and Footwear Group deeply concerned with Administration’s decision to move forward with tariffs on $200 billion

Apparel and Footwear Group deeply concerned with Administration’s decision to move forward with tariffs on $200 billion

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(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – September 17, 2018 – Rick Helfenbein, president and CEO of the American Apparel & Footwear Association, questioned President Trump’s decision to move forward with a 10% tariff on approximately $200 billion worth of U.S. imports from China, including many consumer goods, such as backpacks, handbags, purses, wallets, baseball gloves, hats and leather and fur apparel, as well as textiles and machinery that are used for domestic manufacturing.

While the association is thankful that the review committee agreed to grant relief for some textiles, this tariff action is cruel to U.S. interests, particularly since companies are only being given one week’s notice and because the tariffs will automatically be increased to 25% after the first of the year.

"We are extremely disappointed that President Trump has, once again, decided to impose a huge new tax on American consumers and manufacturers," said Helfenbein. "During the public review process, AAFA and many of its members detailed the extreme damage this new tax will do to our industry, our nearly four million U.S. workers, and to every American family. It seems most of those pleas were ignored. Instead, today’s announcement shows a deep disregard for American businesses, American workers, and American families, who will be negatively impacted by this decision. This is a very dangerous game to play, one that will not end with a winner."

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