Marketing genius: Reebok gives sneakers after New Balance Trump-gate
London - Sportswear giant New Balance were the receivers of a backlash after the company publicly supported Trump in the U.S. elections earlier this month.
Former New Balance customers took to Twitter and other social media channels to express their dismay, with many sharing images of burning, binning and even flushing their trainers down the loo.
To further their descend into the hell of public relations faux pas, it didn't bode well when New Balance was endorsed by neo-nazi website The Daily Stormer as being the "Official Shoes of White People." With New Balance's social community publicly disavowing the brand, it was only a matter of time before someone took over their spotlight.
In a canny marketing response if ever there was one, US sportswear brand Reebok took it upon itself to give shoes to people who destroyed theirs in a fit of anti-Trump, anti-New Balance rage.
The label responded to one Twitter user who filmed himself throwing his New Balance trainers out of the window with “I’ve got a feeling you might need a new pair of kicks. Shoot us a DM, we’ve got your back.” Similarly, it replied to another user who attempted to flush her shoes down the toilet, “Since it looks like your toilet may be clogged, shoot us a DM & we’ll send you some kicks to walk to the closest bathroom.”
While New Balance was quick to clarify its position in a Twitter statement, it has taught brands a lesson to remain politically neutral in order to not offend its customers and image persona. New Balance said: “The statement is correct in the context of trade, not talking about large geo-political anything, but in the context of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. It’s inaccurate. Everything said is in the context of trade.”
The backtracking came after Matt LeBretton, the company’s Vice President of Public Affairs, was quoted by a reporter from the Wall Street Journal that appeared to be an endorsement of a Donald Trump presidency. “The Obama admin turned a deaf ear to us & frankly w/ Pres-Elect Trump we feel things are going to move in the right direction.”
Amy Dow, Communications Manager for New Balance said: "We've looked to respond quickly and to try and put forward an accurate representation of the comments that were made and the context in which they were given."
For some, however, the damage may be done.
Photo credit: Kiemzi, Instagram