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Why Fashion Should Take Notice of Transgender Awareness Week

By Partner


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Transgender Awareness Week started on Monday and runs through November 19, marking a time to celebrate, recognize and raise the visibility of transgender and gender non- conforming people.

Diversity and Inclusion are part of CFDA’s pillars, and we recognize, celebrate, protect and cement the rightful place of all bodies in the industry, anywhere, from the catwalk to the C- Suite, and encourage the fashion community to continue to heed the call of inclusion, diversity and equity.

As the most at-risk population under the LGBT spectrum, trans people each year die at the highest and most alarming rates. The 2014 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and HIV-affected Hate Violence Report from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Projects shows that, of the victims, 80 percent were people of color, 55 percent were transgender women, and 50 percent were transgender women of color.

It is important that we protect and continue to carve out safe spaces for the trans community.

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Transgender Awareness Week