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  • Superdry co-founder Julian Dunkerton says company is “on a completely wrong path”

Superdry co-founder Julian Dunkerton says company is “on a completely wrong path”

By Marjorie van Elven


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“I left a brilliant business and it’s taken a wrong direction”, said Superdry’s co-founder, Julian Dunkerton, who stepped down from the company in March, in an interview to UK newspaper The Sunday Times. “I can’t sit back and watch 30 years of my life be gently eroded”, added the businessman, signaling a possible return to the label best known for its Japanese inspired graphics.

Superdry warned last week that its full year profits would be 10 million pounds lower than the previous fiscal year, which caused the company’s shares to drop more than 20 percent. “These have probably been the most disastrous eight months you could imagine”, Dunkerton is quoted as saying. He remains Superdry’s biggest shareholder, with an 18.5 percent stake.

Julian Dunkerton