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Sunday the most popular day for mobile shopping

By Danielle Wightman-Stone


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Sunday is apparently the most popular day for shopping online via a mobile device, according to new research from Opera, which sourced its data from its 270 million users.

Whereas desktop traffic to e-commerce sites still tends to peak on Mondays and remains stronger during weekdays than on weekends, the new research has revealed that mobile shopping traffic is highly concentrated on Sundays, and is at its lowest on Fridays.

One possible explanation Opera suggests is that consumers use their mobile devices to browse products over the weekend, then revisit and purchase when they return to they go into work on Monday.

While Sunday may be the most popular mobile shopping day, June sees the highest global volume of traffic to mobile shopping sites. However, the Christmas season is the most active time for shopping in the United States, Europe and Latin America, between November and February, the US sees an increase of over 15 percent higher than annual averages in shopping volume.

In Asia, however, March is the peak month for volume, followed closely by July, which is largely due to Ramadan starting in late June and ending in late July this year.

Globally, Amazon was found to command the greatest share of mobile shopping traffic and holds on to this dominance in the US market with a 36.3 percent share, closely followed by eBay with 16 percent and Craigslist with 11.5 percent.

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