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Poland news and archive


Stamped out by war and communism, Polish luxury is back

A grey Ferrari comes to a halt in Warsaw and a young woman emerges. Wearing Chanel sunglasses and carrying a little dog, she enters the Raffles Europejski hotel, a symbol of the luxury that has returned to Poland. Her destination is the historic pastry shop Lourse, which is located at the hotel, where guests pay between 250 and 4,000 euros (290...


Fashion Featured

Parachute jackets and bandage skirts: fashion in communist Poland

An elegant former hotel employee remembers dyeing gauze bandages and turning them into ruffled skirts to remain fashionable despite chronic shortages in communist-era Poland. "It was a major challenge; to make something that was impossible to get your hands on otherwise," recalled Iwona Koczwanska who groaned when asked her age. "We had to be...
