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Elle mag celebrates Women in Hollywood


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Elle magazine hosted its 17th annual Women in Hollywood

Tribute in Beverly Hills this week.

Honorees included Oscar winners Diane Keaton, Jodie Foster, Hilary Swank, Gwyneth Paltrow and Sofia Coppola, also honored were Kate Hudson, Diane Kruger, and Kerry Washington. Jessica Chastain received the Calvin Klein Collection Emerging Star Spotlight Award. The awards are to recognize women for their achievements in film. Many said they were inspired by other actresses and female filmmakers.

Guests, honorees and presenters said women in Hollywood are still fighting for parity.

"There needs to be more focus on great stories, great roles for women that are just as powerful as they are with men, filled with duality, where we're all not always nice and sexless after 40 and humorless after 40," Davis said. "I think there are some amazing women out there, and their stories need to be told."

Foster said it might seem quaint to celebrate women "when they really are half of what's going on in the film business."