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Millican's 1st anniversary


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After swapping its role as MD with accessories brand Kangol Headwear for family time, Jorrit Jorritsma created Millican. Together with his wife Nicky Forbes he launched a travel and outdoor bags and accessories range based on strong ethical and eco


The brand’s name is inspired by Millican Dalton a self-styled ‘Professor of Adventure’, who left London in the early 1900’s to pioneer sustainable living in a cave down Borrowdale Valley in the Lake District. He led a live in simplicity and self-sufficiency. All products are named after friends in the Lake District, each with their own story to tell.

Millican is now sold online across the globe, with a particular interest from USA, Germany, France, Holland, Japan. Major stockists in the UK include Selfridges (Oxford St, London), Farlows (London), and Ginger Beer (Lyme Regis).

The company is looking to partner with up to 80 strong independents throughout the UK by AW11. It will be partners who prize the functional as well as special interest retailers like galleries, reclamation yards and specialist bookshops.